ثلاثة نساء يتحدثن عن اغتصابهن في فرع أمن الدولة في مدينة #حماة .
أولى الحالات "م.خ"، من مواليد 1986 وهي أم لثلاثة أطفال، وزوجها معتقل منذ سنوات. تقول "م.خ"، إنه وفي التاسعة صباحا من يوم 12 آب/ أغسطس 2012، بينما كانت في منزل والدتها، اقتحمت سبع سيارات تابعة للمخابرات، استقل منها 30 عنصرا، وقاموا بخلع باب المنزل، واختطافها وسط صراخ والدتها. وتكشف أنه وبعد 4 ساعات من دخولها فرع أمن الدولة في حماة، قام أحد الضباط "العلويين"، بضربها ضربا مبرحا أدى إلى كسر اثنين من أسنانها، وأضافت: "بعد ذلك ولمدة ثلاثة أيام، يتم استدعائي من الثانية مساء، حتى الثامنة مساء، وتعذيبي بأشد أنواع التعذيب". وعن أسئلة المحققين، تقول السيدة، إنه "كان يركز على عناصر الجيش الحر الذين تربطني فيهم صلة قرابة، أو أعرفهم في الحارة". وعن جريمة الاغتصاب، تقول "م.خ": "في اليوم الرابع وبعد انتهاء التعذيب، والتحقيق، تم اقتيادي إلى مكتب المقدم سليمان جمعة، أنا وفتاة أخرى، حيث كان يوجد اثنان من أصدقائه، ويضحكون بصوت مرتفع، في أثناء شربهم للكحول". وتضيف: "أمر المقدم، إحدى عناصره النسائية بخلع ملابسنا، ولم تنجح محاولاتنا بإيقافها، ومن ثم بدأ مسلسل الاغتصاب الجماعي، وسط ضحكاتهم، وكان المقدم جمعة يقول (هي الحرية اللي بدنا نعطيكم إياها يا كلاب)". وتوضح "م.خ"، أن جريمة اغتصابها تكررت وبشكل جماعي من الضباط لمدة 24 يوما بلا توقف، إلى حين تم الإفراج عنها بصفقة تبادلية بين إحدى كتائب "الجيش الحر"، وقوات الأسد. وتختم: "لا يمكنني نسيان ما حصل معي طيلة حياتي، ومهما حصل لهم، فلن أسترد حقي منهم أبدا".
السيدة الثانية "ف.ك"، من مواليد 1981، متزوجة ولديها خمسة أولاد، تقول إن سبب اعتقالها هو وجود عدة أشخاص من عائلها مع فصائل المعارضة، حيث تركزت أسئلة التحقيق معها عن شقيقها. وتفصّل "ف.ك"، في شهادتها بشكل أكبر من "م.خ"، حيث تقول إنه ومنذ اللحظة الأولى لاختطافها، بدأ عناصر النظام بركلها بأحذيتهم العسكرية داخل السيارة، وتضيف: "وصلت إلى السجن وأنا مغشي علي، ولما رموني أرضا استيقظت من شدة السقوط". وعن أول شيء تبادر إلى ذهنها داخل السجن، تقول السيدة: "كان جل اهتمامي هو الحصول على قطعة قماش أستر بها رأسي، ولم أهتم بما هو قادم، فلم أكن أتصور أن هناك أفظع مما شاهدت". وتوضح "ف.ك"، أن "حفلات الاغتصاب الجماعي"، كانت تتم كل يوم على فتاتين، مشيرة إلى أن دورها كان في اليوم الثالث، وتتابع: "عندما اقتادني المجند إلى غرفة المقدم حيث تُغتصب النساء هناك، فقدت الوعي من شدة الخوف، ما جعلهم ينهالون علي بالضرب، ويجبرونني على تناول حبوب أفقدتني الشعور بما حولي". وتضيف: "بالنسبة لي هذا آخر مشهد أذكره، لكن ما لا أنساه، هو رؤيتي لشباب مكبلي الأيدي، وهم يبكون لرؤيتهم حالنا، حيث تم إحضارهم بالقوة من زنازينهم".
الرواية الثالثة، وهي الأفظع، للسيدة "ن.ف"، من مواليد 1974، لديها 7 أولاد، أحدهم كان معتقلا في فرع أمن الدولة بحماة، أيضا، وعلمت بوفاته من شدة التعذيب بعد أيام على خروجها بصفقة التبادل. قصة "ن.ف"، لا تختلف عن الأخريات كثيرا، إلا أنها قالت إن اغتصابها الجماعي في مكتب المقدم سليمان جمعة، تم بحضور ابنها المكبّل!! وفق قولها.
Three women talk about rape in the state security branch in the city of #Hama , #Syria .
The first cases "M.K", born in 1986, a mother of three children, and her husband, detained years ago. Says "M.K," It's At nine in the morning on 12 August / August 2012, while she was in her mother's house, broke into seven cars belonging to the intelligence, rode a 30-element, and they take off the door of the house, and she was kidnapped amid the screams of her mother. Reveals that after 4 hours of entering the State Security branch in Hama, one of the officers, "the Alawites," beat her severely led to breaking two of her teeth, she said: "Then for three days, is called up from the second evening, until eight in the evening, and tortured the strongest kinds of torture. " And investigators questions, says Ms., "It was focused on the free elements of the army whom I including relatives, or people I know in the warm." And the crime of rape, saying "M.K": "On the fourth day after the end of torture, investigation, I was taken to the Office submitted Suleiman Juma, I and other girls, where there were two of his friends, laughing out loud, during the drinking of alcohol." She adds: "is submitted, one of the elements of the women to take off our clothes, our attempts did not succeed stop it, and then began the series of gang rape, amid laughter, was submitted Friday says (is who we want to give them my dog
s) freedom." Show "M.kh", that the crime of being raped repeatedly and en masse officers for 24 days non-stop, until her release was reciprocal deal between one of the "Free Army", and the forces of Assad's brigades. And concludes: "I can not forget what happened to me all my life, and whatever happened to them, you will not redeem my right of them never."
Mrs. second "V.K", born in 1981, is married and has five children, says the reason for her arrest is the presence of several people from the breadwinner with the opposition factions, as the investigation focused her about her brother's questions. And separating "V.K," in her testimony is greater than "M.K", where it says that since the first moment of her abduction, elements of the system began Baraklha military boots inside the car, and adds: "I arrived at the prison and I faint Ali, and when he threw me to the ground I woke up from the severity of the fall. " And the first thing to take the initiative to mind inside the prison, Ms. says: "The bulk of my interest is to get a piece of cloth Aster by my head, and did not care what was coming, I did not imagine that there is a most terrible what I saw." Show "V.K", that "gang rape concerts", was done every day on two girls, pointing out that their role was on the third day, she says, "when being led by the recruiter to the report, where women are raped there room, I lost consciousness from the intensity of the fear, what made them beat me and forcing me to eat beans Ovqdtna including feeling around me. " She adds: "For me this is another scene I remember, but do not forget, is my vision for the youth handcuffed, and they cry for their vision of our situation, where they were brought by force from their cells."
The third novel, and most shockingly, the lady "N.V", born in 1974, has seven children, one of whom had been detained at the State Security branch in Hama, too, and learned of his death from severe torture days after they leave the exchange deal. The story "N.V," does not differ much from the others, but it is said that the mass rape her in the office submitted Suleiman Juma, was the presence of her son Almkpl !! According to the saying.
s) freedom." Show "M.kh", that the crime of being raped repeatedly and en masse officers for 24 days non-stop, until her release was reciprocal deal between one of the "Free Army", and the forces of Assad's brigades. And concludes: "I can not forget what happened to me all my life, and whatever happened to them, you will not redeem my right of them never."
Mrs. second "V.K", born in 1981, is married and has five children, says the reason for her arrest is the presence of several people from the breadwinner with the opposition factions, as the investigation focused her about her brother's questions. And separating "V.K," in her testimony is greater than "M.K", where it says that since the first moment of her abduction, elements of the system began Baraklha military boots inside the car, and adds: "I arrived at the prison and I faint Ali, and when he threw me to the ground I woke up from the severity of the fall. " And the first thing to take the initiative to mind inside the prison, Ms. says: "The bulk of my interest is to get a piece of cloth Aster by my head, and did not care what was coming, I did not imagine that there is a most terrible what I saw." Show "V.K", that "gang rape concerts", was done every day on two girls, pointing out that their role was on the third day, she says, "when being led by the recruiter to the report, where women are raped there room, I lost consciousness from the intensity of the fear, what made them beat me and forcing me to eat beans Ovqdtna including feeling around me. " She adds: "For me this is another scene I remember, but do not forget, is my vision for the youth handcuffed, and they cry for their vision of our situation, where they were brought by force from their cells."
The third novel, and most shockingly, the lady "N.V", born in 1974, has seven children, one of whom had been detained at the State Security branch in Hama, too, and learned of his death from severe torture days after they leave the exchange deal. The story "N.V," does not differ much from the others, but it is said that the mass rape her in the office submitted Suleiman Juma, was the presence of her son Almkpl !! According to the saying
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